Call for Nominations for the 2022 Early Career Scientist Prizes

The Early Career Scientist Prizes (previously Young Scientist Prizes) in Statistical Physics are presented by the C3 Commission on Statistical Physics of the International Union for Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) every three years, at the Statphys Conference. The next Early Career Scientist Prizes will be given during Statphys28, to be held in Tokyo, Japan, from 8 to 12 August 2022 (; a maximum of three such awards can be assigned.

The Early Career Scientist Prizes in Statistical Physics has been established by the C3 Commission on Statistical Physics of the IUPAP. The Prize aims to recognize outstanding achievements of scientists at early stages of their careers in the field of Statistical Physics. The recipients must be no more than eight years past the award of their PhDs on 1 July 2022; and they are expected to have displayed significant achievement and exceptional promise for future achievements in the area of experimental or theoretical Statistical Physics. The Prize consists of a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient, a Medal, and 1000 euros.

Nominations for this Early Career Scientist Prize should be sent to us before February 1st, 2022, to the following e-mail address: The subject line of the e-mail nomination should read as follows: Early Carrier Scientist Prize C3: Nomination for Name-of- Nominee. Because of the late announcement of this call, due to the pandemic situation, the deadline is tight.

The nominations must be accompanied by a description of the work of the Early Career Scientist; this should consist of at least one, and no more than two typed pages, which should include a list of no more than half a dozen key publications by the nominee. Please do not include pdf files of published papers but give references or links to these. Nominations should be sent by the principal nominator; names of other nominators should be included in the nomination letter. A nominator can be the principal nominator for only one nomination. We ask nominators to include a statement saying that, to the best of their knowledge, there are no concerns that IUPAP should be aware of regarding the expectation that the nominee meets the commonly held standards of professional ethics and scientific integrity.

The IUPAP mandates Commission chairs to ensure that the pool of candidates for the Early Career Scientist Award be sufficiently diverse, particularly considering balance in terms of gender and other under-represented groups and geographical regions. Accordingly, we encourage nominations of women and members of other under-represented groups for the Early Career Scientist Award.

The winners of the Early Career Scientist Prizes in Statistical Physics are chosen by a Selection Committee, consisting of the members of the C3 Commission, the Chairman of the previous C3 Commission (Rahul Pandit) and the Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Statphys Conference (Tetsuo Deguchi for Statphys28).

We would appreciate it if you could inform other members of the statistical physics community of this nomination process, because we want to be certain to consider the best possible nominees.

Thanking you and with our best regards,
Yours sincerely,

Janos Kertesz, Secretary C3 Commission of the IUPAP,
Doochul Kim, Vice Chair C3 Commission of the IUPAP,
Lucilla de Arcangelis, Chair C3 Commission of the IUPAP

Announcement from News in C3 commission, IUPAP